Implementing and Enforcing Trans Fat Elimination Policy in Saudi Arabia
Summary of case study on the implementation and enforcement of Saudi Arabia’s trans fat elimination policy
Implementing and Enforcing Trans Fat Elimination Policy in Denmark
Summary of case study on the implementation and enforcement of Denmark’s trans fat elimination policy
Implementing and Enforcing Trans Fat Elimination Policy in the European Union
Summary of case study on the implementation and enforcement of the EU’s trans fat elimination policy
Implementing and Enforcing Trans Fat Elimination Policy in Thailand
Summary of case study on the implementation and enforcement of Thailand’s trans fat elimination policy
Implementing and Enforcing Trans Fat Elimination Policy in Chile
Summary of case study on the implementation and enforcement of Chile’s trans fat elimination policy
Implementing and Enforcing Trans Fat Elimination Policy in Singapore
Summary of case study on the implementation and enforcement of Singapore’s trans fat elimination policy
Implementing and enforcing trans fat elimination policies: Case studies
Series of case studies documenting experiences from around the world with the implementation and enforcement of trans fat regulations
Developing and Implementing a Trans Fat Elimination Policy: A 7-Step Guide for Policymakers
Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives with practical steps for countries to develop and implement best practice trans fat elimination policies
Integrating hypertension and HIV management: Executive summary
Executive summary of Resolve to Save Lives’ toolkit to help HIV control programs incorporate a patient-centered approach to hypertension care
Integrating hypertension and HIV management: Toolkit
A practical guide to a patient-centered approach to integrating hypertension and HIV care using differentiated service delivery
DHIS2 Package for Hypertension & Diabetes Control Programs
A hypertension and diabetes control package for the District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2)—a free, open-source health management data platform. Not only is DHIS2 a practical, sustainable, ready-to-use solution, but it’s cost-effective and easy-to-train, too. Developed by the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria in collaboration with WHO-Nigeria and the University of Oslo, the newly […]
Quick-Start Guide to Implementing a National Hypertension Control Program
Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives with six steps to implementing a successful national hypertension control program.
Healthy public food procurement and service policies
Resource on the benefits of healthy public food procurement and service policies.
Trans fat elimination: Reasons for policy action now
Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives on the status of trans fat elimination policies globally
Under Pressure: Strategies to improve access to medicines to treat high blood pressure
Our report, developed in collaboration with the Médecins Sans Frontières Access project, identifies barriers to affordable blood pressure medication in LMICs and underscores the need for a transformation of the global blood pressure medicines market to make life-saving medicines more affordable and available.
WHO Nutrition-Friendly Schools Initiative
This initiative created a framework for addressing the double burden of student ill-health and aims to improve coordination among agencies. Refer to ‘NFSI Component 4: Creating a supportive environment’ in the evidence review.
WHO Regional Office for Europe Nutrient Profile Model (2015)
Describes regional nutrient profile model for use and adaptation when developing policies to restrict food marketing to children.
Whole-of-Government (WOG) Healthy Food and Beverage Policy
Singapore government whole-of-government policy introduced in April 2017; the site provides links to the Whole-of-Government (WOG) Healthier Catering Policy and WOG Drinks Policy
WHO Nutrient requirements and dietary guidelines website
Site includes links to WHO nutrition documents, including Healthy Diet factsheet and guidance on sugars, fats, and sodium.
WHO Nutrient Profile Model for the Western Pacific Region (2016)
Nutrient thresholds used to implement the set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children.
WHO Nutrient Profile Model for South-East Asia Region (2017)
Nutrient thresholds used to implement the set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children.
WHO Nutrient Profile Model for the African Region (2019)
Nutrient thresholds used to implement the set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children.
WHO 5 keys to a healthy diet
Describes five key elements of a healthy diet.
Healthy School Toolkit (2008)
Describes how healthier changes were successfully made in a group of Philadelphia schools and includes specific nutrition standards.
The Hospital Food Standards Panel’s report on standards for food and drink in NHS hospitals (2014)
Report on existing hospital food standards, with recommendations on monitoring and further action.
What Works Well Recipe Hub website
Collection of over 100 recipes that meet the UK’s Government Buying Standards and are suitable for children.
Sustainable Healthy Diets – Guiding Principles (2019)
Guidance on what constitutes sustainable healthy diets.
Sustainable procurement: the Official Government Buying Standards (GBS) for food and catering services
Mandatory product specifications for government agencies; also see: A Plan for Public Procurement: Food & Catering Balanced scorecard (nutrition criteria, page 17).
Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results: Public food procurement (2018)
Part of a series to help policy makers address national food security and nutrition issues; guidance is focused on developing initiatives that support food purchases from small farms.
South Korea Special Act on the Safety Management of Children’s Dietary Life
Describes nutrition standards for schools. Scientific article on implementation of nutrition standards: Lee SK, Park HK, et al. Nutritional standards for energy-dense low-nutrient density foods for children in Korea. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2014;23(1):27-33.