Tools for the Assessment of the Public Food Procurement and Policy Landscape

A comprehensive assessment of the existing food procurement landscape is crucial to the development, implementation, and evaluation of a healthy public food procurement policy that is relevant to the specific context. Resolve to Save Lives has developed example surveys for capturing key aspects of the food procurement and policy landscape. These surveys should be adapted […]
Healthy food procurement policies and their impact

Systematic review of the evidence base for healthy food procurement policies
Action framework for developing and implementing public food procurement and service policies for a healthy diet

Provides an overview of how to develop, implement, assess compliance with, and evaluate the effectiveness of a healthy public food procurement and service policy. It is intended for government policy makers or program managers working on public food procurement or service, at either a national or a subnational level, including at regional, provincial and city […]
A review of food procurement and provision in hospitals and schools in Sri Lanka

An assessment of the food procurement environment in Sri Lankan schools and hospitals. Reviews existing policies, guidelines, evaluations, as well as recommendations for promiting healthy diets in schools and hospitals.