Less than ten percent of patients in LMICs get the cholesterol medications they need to prevent heart attack and stroke. Integrating statins into existing HEARTS protocols can address this disparity.
New study co-authored by RTSL suggests that warning labels are more effective for helping consumers avoid nutrients of concern like excess salt, sugar, and fat.
Our partners in Thailand advocate for engagement and coordination at all levels of care to control high blood pressure and reverse downward trend in Thailand.
Encouraging private sector providers in India to prioritize high blood pressure control with a focus on improving medication access could make a big difference in health for the country.
Can 7-1-7 help household contacts of tuberculosis patients get started on preventive therapy? In India, sites using the timeliness metric saw an increase in household contacts starting treatment.
Hypertension control requires access and adherence to effective treatment. This study found that patient retention significantly improves in community care settings, compared with larger facilities.