News from India

A man having his blood pressure measured

Rural India Supporting Trust and Resolve to Save Lives: Supporting primary health care for cardiovascular health

We're proud to announce a new partnership with RIST to support the Government of India to improve effective treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes…
Image of man holding aching heart in background. Headshot of RTSL director Dr. Indu Bhushan and CNBC-TV18 log

“India cannot afford to ignore the dangers posed by trans fats”

Dr. Indu Bhushan calls for strict enforcement of trans fat regulations to save an estimated 70,000 deaths per year in India.…
conference room group photo with members from RTSL, Nutrition International, WHO India, and the Iodine Global Network in the forefront and projector screen with title slide in the background

Balancing sodium reduction and iodine nutrition for heart health

Salt is often fortified with iodine, a necessary ingredient for health. But too much sodium, the main ingredient in salt, is bad for the heart. RTSL recently co-hosted a meeting…

image of Dr. Amit, Dr. Manika, Dr. Swati, and Dr. Murugunathan on stage for a panel discussion for the CARDIOBASE 2024 panel

Resolve to Save Lives at CARDIOBASE 2024

The RTSL India team, including Dr. Amit, Dr. Manika, and Dr. Swati, recently joined a panel discussion on ‘Unhealthy Diets and Cardiovascular Disease’ at CARDIOBASE 2024, moderated by Dr. Murugunathan.…

2024 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award

Our team received the 2024 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award for an abstract on increasing usage of low-sodium iodized salt.…
graphic template with screenshot of article and title "decentralizing care improves high blood pressure control and patient outcomes" with RTSL cardiovascular health heart logo and BMC publication logo.

New study encourages health care closer to home

Patients with chronic conditions shouldn't have to travel long distances to specialized hospitals for care. Effective treatment for people living with hypertension, diabetes and other chronic conditions must be consistent…

New heart health project launches in India

Project SPANDAN, a transformative initiative that aims to enhance hypertension and diabetes control across primary healthcare facilities in Madhya Pradesh, India, was formally launched today by Ms Priyanka Das, Mission…

graphic with journal of clinical hypertension logo and screenshot of journal article

New study shows treating hypertension in primary care works better, especially for women

Our experts in India demonstrate that patient retention and adherence improve significantly when treatment for hypertension happens in community care facilities—especially for women.…

India Hypertension Control Initiative recognized nationally and internationally

Last week, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India and the Indian Council of Medical Research received an award for the India Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI) from the UN…

​RTSL India team hosts technical consultation with cardiovascular health partners

On May 19, the India team held its first technical consultation in New Delhi, India, which highlighted both hypertension control and salt reduction initiatives supported by RTSL Key partners represented…

Doorstep medicine delivery for high-risk patients in India during COVID-19 lockdowns

Community health care workers went door-to-door delivering vital medicine.…

Doorstep medicine delivery for high-risk patients in India during COVID-19 lockdowns

When COVID-19 lockdowns hit India, many people with chronic conditions, including high blood pressure and diabetes, were left unable to get their prescriptions. The India Hypertension Control Initiative made door-to-door…

New resources on blood pressure treatment availability in India

Our team in India analysed the antihypertensive drug market in the country over 2016-18 and developed national and state-level fact sheets that provide key insights on unmet need for blood…

India’s National Low Salt Cooking Challenge

The Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI), India held a National Low Salt Cooking Challenge, a virtual cooking competition with more than 200 participants from different regions of the country.…

India’s National Low Salt Cooking Challenge

Eat Right India is calling all aspiring chefs and nutritionists to the challenge of creating low salt and tasty home cooked Indian meals. The purpose of the virtual event is…

During a Pandemic, Addressing Another Leading Killer: Hypertension

COVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of society, but innovative solutions help NCD patients.…

The Story of the Simple app in India

In the year since the Simple app first launched, health workers like Bupinderjeet have used it to manage the blood pressure of more than 130,000 patients in almost 400 in…

Expanding Blood Pressure Care in India

The Indian Council for Medical Research, World Health Organization and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare announced the nationwide expansion of the India Hypertension Control Initiative, which will treat a…

First-of-its kind PSA launches in India

India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority launched a new campaign to support the removal of trans fat from the food supply: “Heart Attack Rewind.”