RTSL: India

Resolve to Save Lives’ New Delhi office opened its doors in 2024 to serve our longstanding partnerships for cardiovascular health in India.

A patient getting blood pressure measured blood pressure by mitanin (community health volunteer) in Chhattisgarh. Courtesy of the India Hypertension Control Initiative.

RTSL is committed to supporting the Government of India in achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.4. To strengthen hypertension treatment and control under the National Program for Prevention & Control of NCDs (NP-NCD), RTSL launched the award-winning India Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI) in 2017 in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, state governments, the Indian Council of Medical Research, and the World Health Organization (WHO). In just a few short years, IHCI grew to provide quality care to millions of patients with hypertension and diabetes. With IHCI strategies now successfully integrated into the National Program, we continue to work with the Government and partners to strengthen primary health care for hypertension and diabetes control.

We also focus on promoting healthier diets to improve heart health in India, with an emphasis on sodium reduction to support the Government of India’s goal of a 30% reduction in salt intake at the population level. Our key areas of work include supporting interventions like replacing edible salt with low-sodium substitutes in households, implementing healthy food procurement policies in schools and other public settings, and supporting the government in reducing the consumption of processed and packaged foods through interventions like front-of-pack labelling, fiscal measures, and marketing restrictions on unhealthy foods, all aimed at fostering a healthier food environment.

A female Indian health care worker hands a patient a strip of medication through a hole in a protective screen
Pharmacist dispensing hypertension medicines to a patient at UPHC Heerapur in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Courtesy of the India Hypertension Control Initiative.

Our Experts in India

Dr. Amit Shah
Executive Director,  
RTSL India 

Executive Director

In 2021, India became the first low- to middle-income country to join our global movement to eliminate trans fat from the food supply by adopting WHO’s REPLACE action package, developed and implemented with RTSL’s technical expertise. Our support for trans fat elimination in India continues through efforts to strengthen laboratories for effective monitoring and enforcement, as well as by advancing research on healthier replacement options.

Our Partners in India

A patient wearing a mask, and sitting in a plastic chair, while a woman in a sari stands next to him, against a brightly coloured mural on the wall.
Patient being assisted for hypertension treatment by a community health worker at the Ayushman Arogya Mandir in Chikmagalur, Karnataka.

News from India


BioMed Central Ltd

By bringing care delivery closer to communities, we can provide more people with access to quality care, improve hypertension control and save more lives. Our experts in India documented the decentralization process and its impact on patient outcomes in nine districts from 2018–2022.

Resolve to Save Lives

Learn how integrating hypertension management in HIV services improved health outcomes in India.

Resolve to Save LIves

Sodium reduction is the single most important dietary intervention for improving heart health and saving lives in India. Learn more in this resource developed by Resolve to Save Lives.

Contact us

Resolve To Save Lives Services 
Private Limited Regus,
4th Floor, Rectangle No 1, 

Commercial Complex D4, Saket, 

New Delhi-110017, India

Email[email protected]