Guide to Developing Nutrition Standards
Nutrition standards guide developed by Resolve to Save Lives that governments can use to ensure food and beverages purchased, served and/or sold in government settings such as schools, public hospitals, childcare or child development facilities, correctional facilities and government workplaces are healthy and low in sodium.
Kaiser Permanente Healthy Picks website
Describes healthy food guidelines and implementation resources for hospital food venues, including patient menus, cafeterias, coffee carts, kiosks, vending and gift shops.
Healthier and more sustainable catering website
Resources include a description of nutrition principles of healthier catering and a toolkit for serving older people in residential care
Healthy Choices website
Guidelines to help workplaces, hospitals and health services, parks, and sporting centers provide healthy foods and drinks.
The Hospital Food Standards Panel’s report on standards for food and drink in NHS hospitals (2014)
Report on existing hospital food standards, with recommendations on monitoring and further action.
Sustainable procurement: the Official Government Buying Standards (GBS) for food and catering services
Mandatory product specifications for government agencies; also see: A Plan for Public Procurement: Food & Catering Balanced scorecard (nutrition criteria, page 17).
Sodium Reduction in Health-Care Facilities: B.C.’s Experience (2016)
Describes reducing sodium in food service operations in health care facilities owned and operated by B.C. health authorities and lessons learned.
New York City Food Standards website
Describes comprehensive standards that apply to all food purchased and served by city agencies, including specific standards and implementation guides, along with communications materials.
Food Service Guidelines Resources website
Links to U.S. city and state initiatives, including for worksites, cafeterias, vending, meetings, hospitals, faith-based organizations, and community organizations. Includes resources to train vendors
Food Service Guidelines Collaborative website
Resources that support implementation of the US federal nutrition standards in public places.
CDC Sodium Reduction Tools and Training for Health Professionals website
Includes links to implementation and training guidance for implementing sodium reduction in foodservice settings.
City of Philadelphia Nutrition Standards website
Includes links to the city’s Executive Order, nutrition standards, and implementation resources, such as a menu planning toolkit.
CDC Healthy Food Environments website
Resources to support implementation and evaluation of nutrition standards in childcare site, schools, hospitals and workplaces.
CDC Heathy Foodservice Guidelines website
Guide to implementing the US Food Service Guidelines, including cafeterias, concession stands, snack bars, and vending machines; includes link to Smart Food Choices (Assessment Tool, page 30).
A review of food procurement and provision in hospitals and schools in Sri Lanka
An assessment of the food procurement environment in Sri Lankan schools and hospitals. Reviews existing policies, guidelines, evaluations, as well as recommendations for promiting healthy diets in schools and hospitals.