Community Outreach to Reduce Salt

In Shandong and Anhui Provinces, China, community engagement activities supporting the Love with Less Salt media campaign help reinforce the message that too much salt has harmful consequences.

Shandong Hypertension Management Initiative

Our partners kicked off the Shandong Hypertension Management Initiative, a three year program to improve blood pressure control rates in Shandong, a province in eastern China.

Salt reduction in Chinese schools

Our nutrition team traveled to China to learn about a healthy canteen initiative in primary and middle schools in Shandong province.

New partnership with Shandong province

Our China team signed a memorandum of understanding with the Shandong Provincial Health Commission to begin work on sodium reduction and hypertension control projects.

Hypertension work in China

Dr. Marc Jaffe traveled to China to meet with partners at the World Bank and others, and to advance the hypertension prevention work. In this photo Dr. Jaffe is having his blood pressure measured by Professor Liu Lisheng of the Beijing Lisheng Health Foundation.