Nigeria’s latest self-assessment of pandemic preparedness highlights the importance of investment and stakeholder involvement in strengthening health systems, according to the Nigeria CDC.
We stress the need for global cooperation, leadership, and sustainable financing to address critical gaps in health preparedness revealed by the World Health Organization’s Joint External Evaluation.
Nigeria’s adoption of the World Health Organization’s Joint External Evaluation (JEE) and National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) will strengthen its national health security efforts.
We make the case for a targeted $124 billion investment over 5 years to enable 196 countries to strengthen core capacities across the World Health Organization’s Joint External Evaluation indicators.
Uganda improved its epidemic readiness by 20% by leveraging a rapid self-assessment and developing a focused, short-term operational plan that improved long-term strategy.
Looking at the data from COVID-19, we make the case that without good governance and strong leadership, public health preparedness won’t save us from the next pandemic.