Healthy school meals and educational outcomes

Provides evidence on the effects of diet on educational outcomes, using a campaign lead in the UK in 2004, which introduced changes in the meals offered in schools – shifting from low-budget processed meals toward healthier options. Educational outcomes improved significantly in English and Science, and authorized absences, which are most likely linked to illness […]

CDC Heathy Foodservice Guidelines website

Guide to implementing the US Food Service Guidelines, including cafeterias, concession stands, snack bars, and vending machines; includes link to Smart Food Choices (Assessment Tool, page 30).

Uruguayan Schools Slowly Say Goodbye to Junk Food.

Describes the bill passed by the Chamber of Deputies to prohibit the promotion and advertising of junk food on school premises. Law 19.140: “Proteccion de la Salud de la Poblacion Infantil y Adolescente a Traves de la Promocion de Habitos Alimenticios Saludables.” (2014)

REPLACE Module 1 (RE)

How-to guide for landscape assessment and roadmap development for elimination of trans fat

REPLACE Module 2 (P)

How-to guide for determining the best replacement oils and interventions to promote their use