Resource Library

Key Resources for Trans Fat Elimination

Key Resource

Resolve to Save Lives

Resolve to Save Lives’ partnerships for heart health between 2018 and 2023 will result in 7.5 million fewer deaths worldwide. Here’s how we supported countries to make rapid progress, and how we measured our impact.

Key Resource

World Health Organization

New World Health Organization progress report, supported by RTSL.

Since initial call to action in 2018 for all countries to eliminate toxic trans fat and protect their people from this risk factor for heart attack and strokes, 43 more countries have banned trans fat protecting an additional 2.8 billion people, or 46% of the world—as compared to just 6% 5 years ago. The REPLACE technical package provides guidance on best-practice policies that governments can implement today to protect the remaining 54% of the world from this harmful but easily replaceable food additive.

Key Resource

World Health Organization, Resolve to Save Lives

Toolkit for communications and advocacy activities to accelerate the adoption of trans fat elimination policies, including social media resources and customizable templates

Key Resource

Resolve to Save Lives

Series of case studies documenting experiences from around the world with the implementation and enforcement of trans fat regulations

Key Resource

Resolve to Save Lives

Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives with practical steps for countries to develop and implement best practice trans fat elimination policies

Key Resource

Resolve to Save Lives

Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives on the status of trans fat elimination policies globally

Key Resource

Resolve to Save Lives

Fact sheet from Resolve to Save Lives on healthier replacement oils

Key Resource

World Health Organization

Website with all materials related to WHO’s REPLACE initiative

Key Resource

Sampling protocol from Resolve to Save Lives and Global Health Advocacy Incubator

Key Resource

World Health Organization

Map from WHO showing status of trans fat elimination around the world

Key Resource

Resolve to Save Lives

Annotated bibliography from Resolve to Save Lives. Updated 5/2018.