NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy

This website contains a variety of resources for schools implementing the strategy, including webinars, guidance on how to develop menus, sample recipes, portion size guides, etc., as well as a link to the Food and Drink Criteria booklet summarizing the criteria and providing implementation guidance.

New York City Food Standards website

Describes comprehensive standards that apply to all food purchased and served by city agencies, including specific standards and implementation guides, along with communications materials.

The School Food Trust: transforming school lunches in England

Reports evidence of the improvements in provision, choice and consumption of food in schools following the introduction of legislation and a national programme of work to change catering practices and the attitudes of pupils, parents and others to healthier food provision in schools. It also provides objective evidence of the impact of healthier food on […]

Uruguayan Schools Slowly Say Goodbye to Junk Food.

Describes the bill passed by the Chamber of Deputies to prohibit the promotion and advertising of junk food on school premises. Law 19.140: “Proteccion de la Salud de la Poblacion Infantil y Adolescente a Traves de la Promocion de Habitos Alimenticios Saludables.” (2014)