WHO fact sheet: trans fat

Key facts on trans fat and WHO’s response
Sample op ed on TFA elimination

Word document with suggested language for an op ed, indicating areas to customize
Sample letter on REPLACE annual progress report

Word document with suggested language for outreach to MOHs, indicating areas to customize
Sample letter on scientific rationale for TFA elimination

Word document with suggested language for outreach to MOHs, indicating areas to customize
Trans fat stats for selected countries

Excel file with stats for selected countries including annual deaths from TFA consumption and potential lives saved between now and 2047.
Key messages on trans fat elimination

Trans what?

Fact sheet on trans fat
Alternativas saudáveis gorduras trans

Portuguese translation of “Healthy alternatives to trans fats” fact sheet
Alternatives saines aux acides gras trans

French translation of “Healthy alternatives to trans fats” fact sheet
Healthy alternatives to trans fats

Fact sheet with information on trans fats
WHO’s Science in 5: Everything you need to know about trans fat

Short video with WHO’s Dr Francesco Branca explaining which foods contain trans fat and how trans fats hurt us
Customizable fact sheet: Developing and Implementing a Trans Fat Elimination Policy

Fact sheet explaining 7 steps to developing and implementing a trans fat elimination policy. Design files available here (download).
Customizable fact sheet: Trans Fat Elimination – Reasons for Policy Action Now

Fact sheet with key statistics and arguments for trans fat elimination Design files available here