Home / Improve Heart Health / Trans Fat Elimination / Trans Fat Elimination Communications Toolkit
Trans Fat Elimination Communications Toolkit

About this toolkit
Resolve to Save Lives partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop this toolkit to support communications and advocacy to accelerate the adoption of trans fat elimination policies. The materials below, including fact sheets, social media templates, and outreach tools can be customized for various audiences and contexts.
A PDF version of the toolkit is available for download here.
Please contact [email protected] and [email protected] with any questions on toolkit materials.
why take action
Consumption of trans-fatty acids (TFA) increases the risk of heart attacks and death from coronary heart disease. Industrially-produced TFA is used in baked and fried foods, pre-packaged snacks, and certain cooking oils and fats used at home, in restaurants or in street food.
With support from Resolve to Save Lives (RTSL), the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the REPLACE initiative to eliminate industrially-produced TFA from the global food supply in May 2018. Though significant progress has been made, almost 5 billion people worldwide remain unprotected from artificial trans fat.
Much more needs to be done.
General Resources
Customizable templates
Word document with suggested language for an op ed, indicating areas to customize
Word document with suggested language for outreach to MOHs, indicating areas to customize
Word document with suggested language for outreach to MOHs, indicating areas to customize
Fact sheet explaining 7 steps to developing and implementing a trans fat elimination policy.
Design files available here (download).
Fact sheet with key statistics and arguments for trans fat elimination
Design files available here
Social media
Social Cards
Social Media Posts
- Every day in [country], people consume harmful trans fat without knowing it. This year, trans fat will cause [insert number] deaths.
- Around the world, more than 278,000 people die because of trans fat consumption each year. That’s about one person every two minutes.
- Deadly trans fat can be replaced with healthier alternatives, without changing the taste of food or how much it costs the consumer.
- In [country], eliminating trans fat could save [insert number] lives by 2048. Many governments have already successfully protected their people. [Country] should be next. #REPLACEtransfat.
- We’re calling for an end to preventable deaths from trans fat consumption. [Country] should pass a best-practice trans fat elimination policy now.