National Policy Response

Food reformulation policies


Mandatory targets set for 2025 applied to 59 food categories under Resolution 2013 of 2020 (English link) 


No targets


No targets

Other relevant packaged food policies

Front-of-Package Labeling Regulations

Mandatory Resolution 810 passed in 2021 and modified by Resolution 2492 of 2022 implements a warning label. 

Trans Fatty Acid Regulations 

Fiscal Policies

 Law 2277, passed in 2022, implements 20% tax on ultra-processed foods (English). 

Packaged Food Sampling


Nutrient types Sodium
Sampled products 6,708



A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data on nutrient content of all packaged food products available for purchase, regardless of the products country of origin. Data collection took place between August and November 2016 , in 16 supermarkets from the five largest retail chains of Bogotá at the time of the study . Data were collected by 10 fieldworkers who received standardized training on data collection and entry. Photos were taken on all sides of each product to capture the following: barcode, nutritional facts (ie, energy, sodium/salt, total sugar, total fat, saturated fat, and trans-fat ), ingredients, product name, brand, manufacturer , and package size. The data were collected and managed within a REDCap database, with support from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Products were classified into one of 12 food categories . Statistical analyzes were performed to calculate the mean levels of the nutrients of concern per 100 gram or per 100m L using SAS version 9.4. 

For more information on the study methodology, please see the data source below.

Data source

Nutrition Quality of Packaged Foods in Bogotá, Colombia: A Comparison of Two Nutrient Profile Models 

Citation: Mora-Plazas M, Gómez LF, Miles DR, Parra DC, Taillie LS. Nutrition Quality of Packaged Foods in Bogotá, Colombia: A Comparison of Two Nutrient Profile Models. Nutrients. 2019 


No contact information

Institution leading data collection

La Universidad Nacional de Colombia , School of Medicine of Javeriana University , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill